Friday, April 7, 2006


Two of my cats are living another one of their 9 lives, I suppose. Here are my cats Raven (1988-1998) and Dusty (1989-2004). Clickable for a larger view.

Yes, I thought that was funny as I was looking through the photos that there was one of each of them sticking their tongues out. Just like the children that they were!

Now you have to just see this...enjoying one of their 9 Robyn's house! (scroll down a bit in her post). I could NOT believe that picture when I came across it while reading her blog. I just hope they are enjoying their new lives. I miss them. It's comforting to have pictures to remember them by when the memories begin to fade....


sara said...

Aw! Precious. It is very hard to lose a pet, and they can never be replaced. I sitll miss my little Whitey. I will never be able to have a little girl cat again 'cause it will always remind me of my one little girl baby.

Montreal Mama said...

HOLY! Our cats are twins. WOW. I thought those were my cats on your blog! Oh my gosh! WOW!